String Converter

Convert string (text) values from one format to another. For example, the string value "test" becomes "dGVzdA==" in Base64 (numeric values are not encoded; use the Number Converter for this). UTF-8 is used as an intermediary. Encoding happens locally, so private data is not sent to the server.



Text Encoding Reference

Name Standard Description
Adler32 M. Adler An irreversible 32-bit checksum of a string. Similar to CRC32, but faster and weaker. Used in the popular zlib compression library
ASCII ANSI Each 8-bit byte (octet) represented as an ASCII character from 0 to 255
Base64 RFC 4648 A 6-bit Base64-encoded string, each byte from A to /, in the order of (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /)
Binary Traditional Each byte a binary value from 00000000 to 11111111
CRC32 ITU-T V.42 32-bit CRC checksum. 0x04C11DB7 polynomial, 0xFFFFFFFF initial value, 0xFFFFFFFF final XOR value, nonreversed. AKA CCITT-32
CRC16 ITU-T V.41 16-bit CRC checksum. 0x1021 polynomial, 0xFFFF initial value, 0x0000 final XOR value, nonreversed. AKA CCITT-16 or CRC-CCITT
CRC8 ITU-T 8-bit CRC checksum. 0x07 polynomial, 0x00 initial value, 0x00 final XOR value, nonreversed. AKA CCITT-8
Decimal Traditional Each byte a decimal value from 000 to 255
Hexadecimal Traditional Each byte a hex value from 00 to FF
MD5 RFC 1321 An irreversible 128-bit MD5 hash of a string (32 bytes)
MD5 Short P. Tkachenko Same as MD5, but stored in 24 case-sensitive bytes
Octal Traditional Each byte an octal value from 000 to 377
SHA1 RFC 3174 An irreversible 160-bit SHA-1 hash of a string (40 bytes)
URI RFC 3986 A string percent-encoded as a valid URI (or URL). The following 172 characters are encoded: 0x00-0x20, 0x7F-0xFF, " % ; > < [ \ ] ^ ` { | }. The following 72 characters are left alone: 0-9, A-Z, a-z, , / ? : @ & = + $ #
URI Component RFC 3986 Same as URI, only with ten additional characters encoded: , / ? : @ & = + $ #. The following 62 characters are left alone: 0-9, A-Z, a-z